Prepare your garden for the cold months ahead with our top tips!

  1. It’s important to make the most of the sunlight for plants as the days are becoming shorter. Make sure you remove anything that is shading your greenhouse.
  2. Autumn is the perfect time to clean your greenhouse. Wash out pots and seed trays ready for spring sowing and planting.
  3. Take the opportunity to move any plants that could be placed better.
  4. Give your lawn some attention if it’s not looking great. Start by removing thatch and moss. You can use a moss killer first if there is a lot to get rid of.
  5. Clear out your compost bin. After clearing up borders and vegetable plots, it’s likely that you will have a lot of plant material for your compost heap. Autumn is a great time to get rid of last year’s compost and it can then be used around the garden. This will create space in the compost bin.
  6. ender species like begonias and dahlias will need lifting before the frosty weather arrives.
  7. Before storing garden equipment, get it prepared for when you will next be using it. Send your lawnmower for a service, sharpen shears and secateurs and clean other tools. To avoid rust, dry tools and oil the metal parts. Use linseed oil to clean and protect wooden handles.